Friday, March 11, 2011

From Alaska

I'm currently shooting up in New Stuyahok Village, Alaska. We came up here to photograph a Caribou hunt but upon our arrival we found out that the village has run out of petrol, not a drop in town. Everyone is stuck in the village and without means of transport we can't head out on our planned adventures. Nevertheless we are busy shooting portraits about the village and also shooting a short documentary piece on Yup'ik subsistence life in New Stuyahok.

While we wait for a fuel plane to fly in we are enjoying a rare treat in Bristol Bay Alaska, bright sunshine and clear blue skies, rather chilly of course! Below are a few snaps I captured on my iPhone on the way up here.


David Peacock said...

Wonderful shots Nick!

What did you use to post process them?

Nick Hall said...

Hi David,

The Best Camera App.
