I have been dying to get these images up on my website and blog. Last November the Nature Conservancy set me to the Island of Pohnpei in Micronesia to shoot a story about subsistence spearfishermen and how community conservation initiatives are helping to save Pohnpei's ailing reef fisheries. You can check out the story online over at nature.org

Hands down one of the best assignments I have ever done. The highlights included free diving with some of the best speafishermen in the world, flying in a 1960's Hughes MD 500 helicopter over a remote island atoll and eating dog for the first time...eeek!
I plan to do a breakdown of the assignment and delve into some of the practical and technical issues I ran in to while on assignment, including dealing with shooting in salty wet places, from the air and developing narrative. So stay tuned there is more to come from Pohnpei!
In the meantime below are some of my favourites that didn't make the edit and here is a link to the full story on my website.

Great images Nick. It sounds like a fantastic experience. The story is very interesting too. I heard this alluded to in a TEDtalk, not sure I can't remember which one right now but it might have been Jeremy Jackson's. I do remember it was mentioned that subsistence fishing is a way to prevent coral reef damage from trawling, and revenue manages to increase because the fish remains abundant. I found that really telling.
Fantastic work, Nick. Sounds like an incredible experience. I'm sure you won't forget that one in a hurry!
Thanks for checking in chaps! love your blog Ed. Thrilled to have found it so thanks for stopping by.
just stumbled across your blog, and had to come out of the woodwork to tell you (as i'm sure you've heard many times before) that your work is amazing. kudos!
beautiful work
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