I thought I would pay tribute to my fellow countrymen, or at least those of us who were born in the UK, and who also made PDN's 30 this year.
ADAM DEAN (www.adamdean.net)
Adam is a seriously impressive photojournalist/action man.
LIZ HINGLEY (www.lizhingley.com)
Liz's work is super distinct, thoughtful and she is only 25! Very exciting.
JODY ROGAC (www.jodyrogac.com)
Jody's work is gorgeous, elegant and intimate. I also love what she said with regards to Persistence: "It would have been so easy for me to quit a million times. But I love photography too much. Nothing that's worth doing is going to come easily! I've fallen down and gotten back up on the horse countless times." WOW! That seriously resonates and is so true. Just got to keep getting back up.
BARTHOLOMEW COOKE (www.bartholomewcooke.com)
Bartholomew's work will rock your still-life-world!
Great to see so many UK born photographers representing this year! Thanks PDN.