Friday, March 26, 2010

A Pool Session

Last week I had the good fortune of working with Adrian Santic again. Adrian is an Iron-man triathlete in the making and on top of working a full-time job puts in 30 hours of training a week! Amazing. We spent a few hours in the pool shooting. Wrinkled and exhausted I just about managed to keep up with Adrian as he darted about the pool like a sea otter.

You can check out the rest of the images at

Thursday, March 11, 2010

CHASING PERFECTION: Wilderness Systems Kayaks 2010

Wilderness Systems recently came out with their 2010 catalog with some imagery we shot for them back at the end of 2008. Looks great! Big ups to Mr. Hessman for his vision and art direction.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

EXHIBITION: Lewis Point Goes to Juneau

Lewis Point: A Yup'ik Summer Fishing Camp opens at the Silverbow Inn in Juneau, Alaska tomorrow (Friday 5th March) at 4.30pm. Sadly I won't be able to make for the "First Friday" opening but I will be up there on the 18th for a reception with the supermen and ladies from Trout Unlimited.

Massive thank you to Tim, Lindsey and Elizabeth for being so generous and supportive with this project. For more info be sure to check out my new website dedicated to Seasons of Subsistence a new personal project of mine documenting Native Life in Bristol Bay, season by season.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Seasons of Subsistence Website Update

New story is up over at


I updated my website today with a few new images and a reshuffle. Please take a roll through the site and the introduction. March is going to be a solid month of activity and so I hope to have more work up on the site soon!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"Some people naively think the photographer adapts to what the client wants. That’s not the case. The photographer is actually overlaying their style over what the client wants. They’re internalizing what the client wants and presenting it back through their own filter. Being able to do that is the key to success.”

Maureen Martel (of kingpin agency Stockland Martel) via Heather Morton