So here's the catch-up!
- In September the great folks over at Geographical magazine published a spread of my work from June this year covering subsistence salmon fishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska (some tears below). Big thanks to the the Geographical team for getting this work out there.
- Right now I'm writing from my hotel room in Honolulu on my way to Micronesia to shoot a story for the next three weeks. Its gonna be a wild ride with underwater work and some aerial too. More to come on this when I can.
- September was one of those dreaded desk-job months slogging through about 8 grant proposals for a new personal project I'm working on called Seasons of Subsistence. I don't wanna say too much about here since I'm going to be announcing the project properly at the start of 2010 including the launch of a dedicated website. But last week I got news that the project has been awarded its first grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum. Massive thank you to the Forum for supporting this project. The grant will ensure the project gets the kick-start it needs including essential components like the website and some preliminary production costs. Seasons of Subsistence is a personal documentary project that explores the subsistence culture of Native Alaskans in Bristol Bay, season by season. So stay tuned for more on this at the beginning of next year!
- And finally the end of October was crazed waiting for our baby to arrive. Fashionably late at 13 days overdue, but perfectly cooked at 9lbs 7oz I'm the proud father of a baby boy called Finnley. Wow!