I traveled to the coast of Olympic National Park recently on assignment for Wilderness Systems. I have to say I was nervous for this one, of course the area is notoriously moist - "mostly cloudy and overcast with a strong chance of rain" - but we also had storm alerts, 45mph gusting winds and a 12ft swell building...nice. We certainly got our fair share of nasty weather. And just when things couldn't have got much worse one of our team capsized and then turned green with sea-sickness. Despite the set backs and being at the complete mercy of Poseidon's wrath we persevered and for our cheery spirits were blessed with a fabulous last shoot day. During intense ups and downs on shoots like this there is one thing that keeps me and my team sane and happy:
The Chocolate Cherry!
These little things carry a huge punch of instant euphoria. A succulent semi dried cherry smothered in two layers of milk chocolate that seems to send sunbeams swirling around your gob - pure loveliness. A huge thank you to the guys and gals over at Confluence Watersports for making the shoot such a success. These images are all about team work!