Here is a note from the Centre for Biological Diversity on the recent ruling to re-instate endangered species status for the Wolf. If only they could huff and puff and blow those hunters houses down. Come on....a little respect please! Just because a species suddenly comes off the endangered species list isn't an excuse to go on an all out rampage against the wolf.
"In response to a lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, Earthjustice and eleven other conservation groups, a federal judge today reinstated Endangered Species Act protection for wolves in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The decision brings an immediate halt to the slaughter of over 100 wolves since the Bush administration stripped Endangered Species Act protection for Northern Rocky Mountain wolves in February 2008.
The judge reinstated wolf protection because he agreed that 1) the wolf had not met its federal recovery plan goals before being declared "recovered", and 2) the state of Wyoming, in its rush to kill wolves, had not committed to maintaining enough wolves to sustain a viable population.
Calling the Bush administration's arguments "disingenuous," Judge Molloy noted that the administration had "flip-flopped without explanation" on critical wolf conservation policies.
The killing has stopped, but the battle isn't over. This preliminary injunction only holds until a final ruling in the case is issued later this year. And anticipating that it's weak argument for removing wolves from the endangered species list would fail, the Bush administration established a separate decision allowing the killing of wolves even if they are returned to the federal endangered species list. We're in court fighting that rule, also."